День рождения
07 октября 1952
Владимир Путин
#58037 | Благодарственное письмо
Тунис , 06.12.2022
Cher Monsieur
Vladimir Poutine

PLEASE KOMMES US SOON MISRER VLADMIR POUTINE BST PRESIDENT RUSA WIT BEATDFUL RUSA POUTINE FAMILTY INVTE FREINDS FROM RUSSA FROM WORLD NI OUR 2TWoo nice happy famous historque mariage with beatfuk duter my darling wife maria poutine ni mariage wife maria pouytine our mariage wit wife maria poutine in my ni house town hamam-soussa town country tunisia iq north africa
Misrer yassine ben abderahmene rue jerba n9choket elarsa city hamamsousa town country tunisia is north africa
Mistrer yassine ben abderahmene0216+99708428M§y mobi very bst intertional legal polticx advaiser ord afry go mareid w>ife maria potine beatful marquise versaile palace lajokinda sale odf mariage nbi town hamam-soussa town country tuinisia is north africa
after go mareuid wife maria poutine nice palais rusa ni mosco rusa
after we leave our nice happy mosco rusa life w>it wife maria poutine getr happy rusa life get hapuy ruisa poutuine ben abderahmene children
iwork bst personel presidentiel rusa intertional legal potic advaise you misrzer vladmir poutine nice paluis rusa ni mosci rusa ipromis yoiu wi work bst presidentiel rusa intertional legal potic adbaiszer because iam bst intertytional legal plitic advaiser word
please wife maria poutine donr forget to ta papier cpntract mariage house
Misrer yassine ben abderahmene rue jerba n9choket erlarrsa city hamam-soussa town country tunisia is africa
misrer yassine abvderahmene 002169908423 THE Intertional legal politic adviserwof
bithday wife maria pooutine
the pasepor wife maria poutine
THE legal final jugemet of wofe maria pôutine legal ffinal jugemet of her legal final devoors her husband ni mosci rusa devors court bst star of rusa love is love OK

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