День рождения
21 сентября 1954
Синдзо Абэ
#12281 | Ходатайство
Россия , 08.09.2017
Уважаемый господин
Синдзо Абэ

I appeal to You with a huge request.I'm on the 2nd group of disability since childhood I am 59 years were in a very difficult financial situation depends on my life I have only 50,000 on treatment for mom and a trip to the Ukraine this is my last chance to see her again in life, please don't refuse in this manner You are my last hope, I do not know who to contact I already have a loan and if I get another it will be my death, my card no Sberbank 4276521256166426 please help

с уважением галина марченко
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