07 October 1952
Vladimir Putin
#46906 | Business letter
France , 24.02.2022
Cher Monsieur
Vladimir Poutine

Mister President of the Russia,

I write you this letter because
the ukranian country is a disaster. I would like that
the world become a peace civilisation
Why the war?. Please Mister Poutine Vladimir. If you Kill
any womens and children in the poverty of theirs lifes. If he would be possible to speak, Mister President Vladimir Poutine, any children and womens die. Please, the war isnt a solution.
The violence and the dangerous party aren t à solution. I would like to say that The second war, millions People have killed. Finally, why you want you the war?. Peace and love, please, not war. Mister,
think at this girl, who you gave a gift. A russian girl.
Peace and love.

Please Mister President Vladimir Poutine
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