22 November 1936
Hamad II
#24489 | Petition
Russland , 15.03.2019
Уважаемый господин
Хамад II

Hello, dear president. My name is Hasanova Shalala. I am writing to you this letter, from despair from impotence. I am alone, I am a mother of two children. I live in Surgut, in the coldest place, I am completely alone, without any relatives. I do not have normal work, I can’t work hard, so I have a hernia. I can not leave the children and go under the knife. Help me ask you, give us a home, we will move to our native Baku. I beg you to hear me, for the sake of all saint. + 79129012269. my account number is 40817810167170283897.

С уважением,Гасанова Ш